Saturday, August 27, 2011

Jack and Jill went up the hill, well not really

Well it has been a long while since I've posted anything so I thought I better write something.

A while back we were adopted by a stray cat. She had been in our back yard a few times, but always ran off when we came outside. well one day she was laying in the grass when we came out and she went over to the wall to jump over it. I started calling "kitty,kitty" and"meow". She stopped and looked and after at bit started coming towards us. It didn't take long and we were petting her and she was on Dale's lap.Over the next weeks she came during the evenings and disappeared during the days. We of coarse started feeding her and the adoption was official.

On the 10th of August I found the Yorkie that I had been searching for. He is four months old and weighs 5 pounds.We named him Jack.

He has been getting used to his new home and doing very well.The cat and dog have gotten used to each other. Dale has a morning routine of drinking his coffee out on the patio. The two each try to get all of the attention from Dale. In doing so they sometimes both end up on his lap.Now it has gotten where they clean each others face(not Dale's. no licking humans allowed), and enjoy it.

Another thing that Jack has been learning is how to cool off his feet. With some coxing, he goes into the pool. He mostly likes it on the top step, which puts the water below his belly. We also challenge him to swim by taking him out farther and then his feet start moving before they hit the water. He swims right back over to the step, gets out and heads for the chair cover to dry off. He is good at twisting and turning and rubbing to dry himself off. I am sure that it won't be long and he will be diving in on his own.

It took quite a bit and practice and training to get him to use the doggy door. After a little whining and being a bit scared he figured that he can go in or out when ever he wants to.

When we were telling some friends about the cat( who didn't have a name) and Jack the dog, they said we should call her Jill. So that is what we did. Now we have Jack and Jill (with no hill to go up).