Sunday, October 3, 2010

Moving Day - UFF DA !

Well that day has arrived, and after many months of planning and speculating we picked up the truck and car hauler and headed over to the storage shed that contained what's left of our earthly possessions. We were joined by Jenni, who came to help and say good bye, and so the three of us went about the task of sorting and fitting everything into each little spot in the truck.
It did not take as long as we thought and in a few hours we were heading back to Ryan and Erinn's home to find a spot for the remainder of the things. We had just a few more boxes to load and it took each of us to offer a idea as to how we can get things to fit. In time we had the door of the truck shut and we took the evening to rest our tired muscles.
The next day we spent time getting the good old camper (and our home away from home ) a well deserved cleaning and preparation for it's winter storage. We had to remove the items that we will bring to Arizona and winterize it for its last stay in a Minnesota winter, for we will be back next year to drive it to it's new home.
And so if everything goes as planned we will be heading out Monday morning.